Table of Contents: Issue 03 - January 2005 |
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P 1 |
SPECIAL FEATUREThe lure of legal language: an interview with Roberto Mayoral[about the Author] [HTML] [PDF] |
PP 2-5 |
Maria Cecília Basílio Universidade de Aveiro The overall dance of specialised translation [abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF] |
PP 6-20 |
Nicolas Froeliger Universite Paris VII (UFR EILA) Les points aveugles de la confiance dans la redaction et la traduction des textes pragmatiques (part2) [abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF] |
PP 21-39 |
Fernando J. Chueca Moncayo University of Valladolid The Textual Function of Terminology in Business and Finance Discourse [abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF] |
PP 40-63 |
Matthew Kayahara School of Translation and Interpretation, University of Ottawa The Digital Revolution: DVD Technology and the Possibilities for Audiovisual Translation Studies [abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF] |
PP 45-48 |
Carmen Valero-Garcés University of Alcala, Spain Terminology and Ad hoc Interpreters in Public Services. An Empirical Study [abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF] |
PP 75-96 |
Isabelle Hoorickx-Raucq ILMH, Haute Ecole Leonard de Vinci, Brussels Mediating the Scientific Text. A Cultural Approach to the Discourse of Science in some English and French Publications and TV Documentaries. [abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF] |
PP 97-108 |
Baigorri-Jalon, Jesus (2004). Interpreters at the United Nations: A History. Translated from Spanish by Anne Barr. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, pp.181. ISBN 84-7800-643-5. 16 €. Reviewed by Daniel Gile. [HTML] [PDF] |
PP 109-10 |
Gonzalo Garcia, C., Garcia Yebra, V. (eds). Manual de Documentacion y Terminologia para la Traduccion Especializada. Madrid: Arco Libros, 2004. pp. 556 (Instrumenta Bibliologica). ISBN 8476355785. € 21.32 Reviewed by Maria Jose Recoder [HTML] [PDF] |
PP 111-112 |
Pöchhacker, Franz. Introducing Interpreting Studies. London/New York: Routledge, 2004. xii + pp. 252. £50. Reviewed by John Matthews. [HTML] [PDF] |
PP 113-114 |
Valero Garcés, Carmen (ed.) (2003). Traduccion e Interpretacion en los Servicios Publicos. Contextualizacion, Actualidad y Futuro. Granada: Comares, pp. 298. ISBN: 84-8444-686-7. 18€. Reviewed by Raquel Lazaro Gutierrez. [HTML] [PDF] |
PP 115-116 |
Louise Brunette, Georges Bastin, Isabelle Hemlin and Heather Clarke (eds.) (2003). The Critical Link 3. Interpreters in the community. Amsterdam/Philadephia: John Benjamins, pp. 359. ISBN: 90 272 1652 5. € 99 ISBN: 1 58811 454 6. USD $ 119.00. Reviewed by Carmen Valero-Garces. [HTML] [PDF] |
PP 117-118 |