Table of Contents: Issue 05 - January 2006 |
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FEATURESTREAMED INTERVIEWS WITH TRANSLATION PROFESSIONALSHelle Vronning Dam on the journal Hermes and research in interpreting [about the Author] Riitta Jaaskelainen on Think Aloud Protocols in translation [about the Author] |
Gyde Hansen Retrospection methods in translator training and translation research [abstract] [HTML] [PDF] |
PP 2-41 |
Rachel Weissbrod Inter-Semiotic Translation: Shakespeare on Screen [abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF] |
PP 42-56 |
Olgierda Furmanek The Role of Emotions in Establishing Meaning: Implications for Interpreting [abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF] |
PP 57-71 |
Octavia Haure Towards an Understanding of the Structural Gap [abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF] |
PP 72-109 |
Micał Garcarz Translating films in Polish [abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF] |
PP 110-119 |
Dennis O'Keeffe Problems in the Translation of French Political Economy and Social Science into English [abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF] |
PP 120-129 |
Michael Hann (2004).
A Basis for Scientific and Engineering Translation. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Pp. 250 and a CD. €105 (hard copy) €65 (paperback) ISBN: 90 272 2608 3 (hard copy) ISBN: 90 272 2609 1 (paperback). Reviewed by Vicent Montalt. [HTML] [PDF] |
PP 130-131 |
Claudia V. Angelelli (2004). Medical Interpreting and Cross-cultural Communication. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 153 $75.00 ISBN: 0-521-83026-5. Reviewed by Carmen Valero Garces [HTML] [PDF] |
PP 132-136 |
Mario Di Paolinelli, Eleonora Fortunato, (2005). Tradurre per il Doppiaggio, Milano: Hoepli, pp.162, €19 ISBN: 88-203-3385-6. Reviewed by Elena Di Giovanni [HTML] [PDF] |
PP 137-138 |
Henri Van Hoof. (1999). Manual Práctico de Traducción Médica . Granada: Editorial Comares. pp. 405. $ 94.50 ISBN 2224011830. Reviewed by Beatriz Méndez Cendón. [HTML] [PDF] |
PP 139-140 |
Sergio Viaggio (2004). Teoría general de la mediación interlingüe. Alicante: Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alicante pp. 491 €23 ISBN 84-7908-783-8. Reviewed by Josep Marco. [HTML] [PDF] |
PP 141-148 |
Montalt i Resurrecció, Vicent. (2005). Manual de traducció cientificotècnica. (Biblioteca de Traducció i Interpretació, 11) Vic: Eumo Editorial.pp. 287 € 19.23 ISBN 84-9766-103-6. Reviewed by Bertha M. Gutiérrez Rodilla. [HTML] [PDF] |
PP 149-150 |
Ebru Diriker (2004). De-/Re-Contextualizing Conference Interpreting: Interpreters in the Ivory Tower? Series: Benjamins Translation Library, 53. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. pp. 223 €99.00 ISBN 90 272 1659 2. Reviewed by John Matthews. [HTML] [PDF] |
PP 151-157 |