In two different interviews, in English and French, Louise Brunette emphasises the importance of including revision both in the translation process and in academic research.
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Louise BrunetteBiography: Louise Brunette, Professor of translation, Universitée du Québec en Outaouais

Louise Brunette started her career as a translator and terminologist before becoming a university lecturer. Her research interests are primarily devoted to revision, but she also works on technologies applied to the translation process. She is the co-author of Pratique de la Revision, Linguatech, Montreal, 1998, written with Paul Horguelin and has just published La Revision professionnelle: processus, strategies et pratiques, Editions Nota Bene, Quebec.

1. What is your professional background?

2. How would you define revision?

3. According to you what are the best steps to follow to undertake revision?

4. Where can the line between correction and revision be drawn?

5. Why is revision in translation important and in spite of its importance why is it considered as one of the poor relatives of translation?

6. What is currently happening in research as far as revision in translation is concerned?

7. How has your personal approach to revision evolved? Is this visible in your research?

8. What are you currently researching?

9. How has revision been present in the translation industry since you started work as a translator?

10. Any chance of funding for revision?

11. Are there differences according to different professional sectors?

12. Isn't a good translator necessarily a reviser?

13. In general, is revision taught in university translation programmes and in what way?

14. Should revision be part of translation programmes?