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Welcome to issue 9 where multilingualism and diversity have been prioritised. The value of difference has been stated in most discourses and disciplines in the last decades but we still fail to emphasise loudly enough that difference is absorbed by dominant currents if it is not given power. We are determined for this journal to be an empowering tool for voices in languages and cultures which may have difficulty in being visible internationally. Admittedly, JoSTrans is still Eurocentric, but with every issue, we are aiming for more inclusive perspectives.

We recognise that many researchers from non English-speaking countries wish to write in English, precisely for reasons linked to visibility and power. Within the limits of our resources, we have endeavoured to support non English speakers. Our English editors are to be commended for devoting time and energy to revising texts, a thankless but indispensable task. In the global academic context which prevails at present, it actually takes courage to write in a language other than English as texts written in languages other than English tend to not be valued or disseminated in the same manner. In spite of these concerns, this issue is truly multilingual, with features in German, Polish and Spanish. Its contributors, both established and new researchers, are from Australia, Austria, Belgium, Jordan, Poland and Spain.

This issue is also instrumental in considering new areas in Translation Studies, as Pablo Muñoz Sánchez's text on videogames localisation testifies. And the hard core of specialised translation, still largely ignored by Translation Studies, is very present with articles on the use of corpora and word alignment in medical and technical texts.

We haven't felt the need on this occasion for a 'Translator's Corner' as the publications received were more varied in their topics and in the authors' level of experience than in the type of information conveyed. Featured interviews still offer practitioners' views though, with streamed presentations on aspects of community interpreting and on the life-long passion of a translator for the translation of art catalogues

We hope you'll enjoy the issue and look forward to your comments.

Lucile Desblache