Table of Contents: Issue 09 - January 2008 |
EDITORIALLucile DesblacheHTML [EN] [FR] [DE] [ES] [PO] PDF [EN] [FR] [DE] [ES] [PO] |
P 1 |
FEATUREINTERVIEWS WITH TRANSLATION PROFESSIONALSTeresa Tomaszkiewicz on censorship in interpreting and audiovisual translation Aline Kwiatkowska on translating art catalogues |
ARTICLES | Clara Inés López-Rodríguez; María Isabel Tercedor-Sánchez Corpora and Students' Autonomy in Scientific and Technical Translation training [abstract] [about the authors] [HTML] [PDF] |
PP 2-19 |
Tom Vanallemeersch & Cornelia Wermut Linguistics-based word alignment for medical translators [abstract] [about the authors] [HTML] [PDF] |
PP 20-38 |
Deborah Cao & Xingmin Zhao Translation at the United Nations as Specialized Translation [abstract] [about the authors] [HTML] [PDF] |
PP 39-54 |
Mohammed Y. Abu-Risha Investigating Ethnolinguistic Theory across Language Communities [abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF] |
PP 55-79 |
Pablo Muñoz Sánchez En torno a la localización de videojuegos clásicos mediante técnicas de romhacking: particularidades, calidad y aspectos legales [abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF] |
PP 80-95 |
Anjana Martínez Tejerina Análisis contrastivo de la subtitulación vista desde dos prismas: el descriptivismo y el prescriptivismo [abstract] [about the authors] [HTML] [PDF] |
PP 96-107 |
Gerrit Bayer-Hohenwarter Alles nur eine Frage der Zeit? Methodologische Uberlegungen zu Zeit(druck) und Translation [abstract] [about the authors] [HTML] [PDF] |
PP 108-131 |
Bassey Edem Antia (ed.) (2006) Indeterminacy in Terminology and LSP. Studies in Honour of Heribert Picht Reviewed by Bartolome Mesa Lao [HTML] [PDF] |
PP 132-134 |
Cao, Deborah (2007). Translating Law Reviewed by Pieta Monks [HTML] [PDF] |
PP 135-136 |
Dullion, Valerie (2006) Traduire les lois. Un éclairage culturel Reviewed by Carmen Bestué [HTML] [PDF] |
PP 137-138 |
Lynne Bowker (ed.) (2006) Lexicography, Terminology and Translation Reviewed by Beatriz Méndez Cendón [HTML] [PDF] |
PP 139-141 |
Bueno García, Antonio, Anguiano Pérez, Rocío, Adrada Rafael, Cristina (eds) (2006) Intersemiótica y traducción. Traducción y signos no lingüísticos. Reviewed by Helena Casas-Tost [HTML] [PDF] |
PP 142-144 |