Anna Corral Fulla holds a PhD from the Department of French Philology of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Barcelona-Spain) where she has been a lecturer in French Language since 2001 in the Faculty of Translation and Theatre (teaching on the Master's in Theatre Studies) in the Faculty of Arts. Her research includes work on theatre, theatre and opera translation and the didactics of foreign language. She has carried out various opera audio descriptions (AD) for the visually impaired during the 2009-2010 season of the Teatre del Liceu Opera House in Barcelona, and she is currently the coordinator of a special issue devoted to Opera and Translation of the periodical Doletiana, Revista de Traducción, Literatura y Artes, of which she is a member of the Editorial Board.
Ramon Lladó is a Senior Lecturer and researcher in Translation from French at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, as well as a practising translator. He teaches literary translation from French to Spanish and Catalan, as well as specialised translation (Law, Economics, Enology, Fashion, etc). His research activities have focussed principally on the translation of wordplay and the rhetoric of poetry translation. He is a founding member of the Étienne Dolet Research Group, which specialises in interdisciplinary research on translation, and of the digital periodical Doletiana. Traducció, Literatura i Arts (2006). He has also been Director of the Official Master's Programme in "Translation, Interpreting and Intercultural Studies" of the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting of the Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona.