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Table of Contents: Issue 16 - July 2011
Guest edited by Michail Sachinis

Lucile Desblache
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P 1
Michail Sachinis
Guest editor's introduction
Translator Training: commodity or necessity? On the emergence of a new area of studies
[about the author] [HTML] [PDF]
P 2-4
Marcella De Marco interviews Amparo Hurtado Albir, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
Lucile Desblache interviews Angeliki Petrits, Directorate General for Translation (European Commission)


Elisa Calvo
Translation and/or translator skills as organising principles for curriculum development practice
[abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF]
PP 5-25
Gary Massey and Maureen Ehrensberger-Dow
Commenting on translation: implications for translator training
[abstract] [about the authors] [HTML] [PDF]
PP 26-41
Elsa Huertas Barros
Collaborative learning in the translation classroom: preliminary survey results
[abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF]
PP 42-60
Łucja Biel
Training translators or translation service providers? EN 15038:2006 standard of translation services and its training implications
[abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF]
PP 61-76
Vilelmini Sosoni
Training translators to work for the EU institutions: luxury or necessity?
[abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF]
PP 77-108
Anabel Galán-Mañas
Translating authentic technical documents in specialised translation classes
[abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF]
PP 109-125
Roberta Raine
Minority languages and translator training: what Tibetan programmes can tell us
[abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF]
PP 126-144
Paula Igareda and Anna Matamala
Developing a learning platform for AVT: challenges and solutions
[abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF]
PP 145-161
Dionysios Kapsaskis
Professional identity and training of translators in the context of globalisation: the example of subtitling
[abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF]
PP 162-184
Ximo Granell
Teaching Video Game Localisation in Audiovisual Translation courses at university
[abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF]
PP 185-202
Akiko Sakamoto
An empirical study on the use of note-taking for Consecutive Interpreting in the teaching of translation
[abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF]
PP 203-223
Noraini Ibrahim-González
E-learning in Interpreting didactics: students' attitudes and learning patterns, and instructor's challenges
[abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF]
PP 224-241
Garant, Mike (Ed.) 2010.
Current Trends in Translation Teaching and Learning
Reviewed by Maria Dolors Cañada Pujols [HTML] [PDF]
PP 242-244
Díaz-Cintas, Jorge, Anna Matamala and Josélia Neves (eds.) (2010).
New Insights into Audiovisual Translation and Media Accessibility
Reviewed by Gilen Mejuto [HTML] [PDF]
PP 245-246
Darwish, Ali , (2008).
Optimality in Translation
Reviewed by Alinne Fernandes [HTML] [PDF]
PP 247-249
Lindstromberg, Seth (compiled by) (2010).
English Prepositions Explained. Revised edition

Reviewed by Maija Hirvonen [HTML] [PDF]
PP 250-252
Sara Rovira Esteva (2010).
Lengua y escritura chinas. Mitos y realidades
Reviewed by Mireia Vargas Urpi [HTML] [PDF]
PP 253-257
Marta Mateo and Brian Mott (2009)
Diccionario-guía de traducción español-inglés, inglés-español
Reviewed by Sarah Maitland [HTML] [PDF]
PP 258-259