Table of Contents: Issue 19 |
EDITORIALLucile DesblacheHTML [EN] [FR] [DE] [ES] [IT] PDF [EN] [FR] [DE] [ES] [IT] |
P 1 |
Louise Brunette Guest editor's introduction [about the author] [HTML] [PDF] |
PP 2-7 |
FEATURESPablo Romero Fresco interviews Sylvain Caschelin, respeaker and translation lecturer at the University of Strasbourg on respeaking techniques in France Lucile Desblache interviews Roslyn Bottoni, editor at the Directorate General for Translation, Brussels, on working as an editor at the European Commission. |
Lori Thicke The industrial process for quality machine translation [abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF] |
PP 8-18 |
Caroline Champsaur La traduction automatique : un outil pour les traducteurs ? [abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF] |
PP 19-28 |
Anne-Marie Robert Vous avez dit post-éditrice ? Quelques éléments d'un parcours personnel [abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF] |
PP 29-40 |
ARTICLES (Issue 19) | |
Donald Barabé Société, technologie et traduction : perspectives et impacts [abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF] |
PP 41-61 |
AnneMarie Taravella and Alain O. Villeneuve Acknowledging the needs of computer-assisted translation tools users: the human perspective in human-machine translation [abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF] |
PP 62-74 |
Ana Guerberof Arenas What do professional translators think about post-editing? [abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF] |
PP 75-95 |
Louise Brunette et Chantal Gagnon Enseigner la révision à l'ère des wikis : là où l'on trouve la technologie alors qu'on ne l'attendait plus [abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF] |
PP 96-121 |
Stephen Doherty and Joss Moorkens Investigating the experience of translation technology labs: pedagogical implications [abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF] |
PP 122-136 |
Jeremy Munday (2012). Introducing Translation Studies (3rd edition) Reviewed by Louisa Desilla [HTML] [PDF] |
PP 137-139 |
María Amparo Jímenez Ivars and María Jesús Blasco Mayor (eds) (2012). Interpreting Brian Harris. Recent Developments in Translatology. Reviewed by Mireia Vargas Urpi [HTML] [PDF] |
PP 140-144 |
Douglas Robinson (2012). Becoming a translator: An Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Translation (3rd edition) Reviewed by Christina Delistathi [HTML] [PDF] |
PP 145-147 |
Anna Gil-Bardaji, Pilar Orero and Sara Rovira-Esteva (eds) (2012). Translation Peripheries Reviewed by Ramón Méndez [HTML] [PDF] |
PP 148-150 |
Piotrowska, Maria and Joanna Dybiec-Gajer (2012). Verba Volant Scripta Manent. How to Write an M.A. Thesis in Translation Studies Reviewed by Łucja Biel [HTML] [PDF] |
PP 151-153 |
Yuan Xiaohui (2009). Politeness and Audience Response in Chinese-English Subtitling Reviewed by Helena Casas-Tost [HTML] [PDF] |
PP 154-156 |
Dinda L. Gorlée (2012). Wittgenstein in Translation. Exploring semiotic signatures. Reviewed by Lucile Desblache [HTML] [PDF] |
PP 157-158 |