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Table of Contents: Issue 31 - January 2019

Post-Editing in Practice: Process, Product and Networks, edited by Lucas Nunes Vieira, Elisa Alonso and Lindsay Bywood


EDITORIAL EN, ES, FR, PL Łucja Biel    
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P 1

Post-editing in practice – Process, product and networks

Lucas Nunes Vieira, Elisa Alonso, Lindsay Bywood
[abstract] [about the authors] [HTML] [PDF]

PP 2-13
Joss Moorkens interviewed by Lindsay Bywood on translation technology
Lucile Desblache interviews Carole Gilet, media translator, on dubbing live and animated programmes in France



Kristine Bundgaard, Tina Paulsen Christensen
Is the concordance feature the new black? A workplace study of translators’ interaction with translation resources while post-editing TM and MT matches
[abstract] [about the authors] [HTML] [PDF]


PP 14-37
Arlene Koglin and Rossana Cunha
Investigating the post-editing effort associated with machine-translated metaphors: a process-driven analysis
[abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF]
PP 38-59
Yanfang Jia, Michael Carl and Xiangling Wang
How does the post-editing of Neural Machine Translation compare with from-scratch translation? A product and process study   
[abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF]

PP 60-86
Masaru Yamada
The impact of Google Neural Machine Translation on Post-editing by student translators
[abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF]

PP 87-106
Michael Carl and M. Cristina Toledo Báez
Machine translation errors and the translation process: a study across different languages
[abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF]
PP 107-132
Benjamin Screen
What effect does post-editing have on the translation product from an end-user’s perspective?
[abstract] [about the authors] [HTML] [PDF]
PP 133-157
Gys-Walt van Egdom and Mark Pluymaekers
Why go the extra mile? How different degrees of post-editing affect perceptions of texts, senders and products among end users
[abstract] [about the authors] [HTML] [PDF]
PP 158-176
Caroline Rossi and Jean-Pierre Chevrot
Uses and perceptions of Machine Translation at the European Commission
[abstract] [about the authors] [HTML] [PDF]
PP 177-200
Akiko Sakamoto
Why do many translators resist post-editing? A sociological analysis using Bourdieu’s concepts
[abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF]
PP 201-216
Ana Guerberof Arenas and Joss Moorkens
Machine translation and post-editing training as part of a master’s programme
[abstract] [about the authors] [HTML] [PDF]
PP 217-238
Jean Nitzke, Silvia Hansen-Schirra and Carmen Canfora
Risk management and post-editing competence
[abstract] [about the authors] [HTML] [PDF]
PP 239-259
Cristina Plaza Lara
Análisis DAFO sobre la inclusión de la traducción automática y la posedición en los másteres de la red EMT
[abstract] [about the authors] [HTML] [PDF]
PP 260-280
Russo, Mariachiara, Bendazzoli, Claudio and Bart Defrancq (eds)
Making Way in Corpus-based Interpreting Studies (2016)  
Reviewed by Tao Li
PP 281-283
María González-Davies and Vanessa Enríquez-Raído (eds)  
Situated Learning in Translator and Interpreter Training
Reviewed by Alejandro Bolaños García-Escribano [HTML] [PDF]
PP 284-286
Jorge Díaz Cintas and Kristijan Nikolić (eds)
Fast-Forwarding with Audiovisual Translation
Reviewed by Sharon Black [HTML] [PDF]
PP 287-288
John W. Schwieter and Aline Ferreira (eds)
The Handbook of Translation and Cognition
Reviewed by Mikolaj Deckert [HTML] [PDF]
PP 289-291
Tomáš Svoboda, Łucja Biel and Krzysztof Łoboda (eds)
Quality aspects in institutional translation
Reviewed b JC Penet [HTML] [PDF]
PP 292-293
Margaret Rogers
Specialised Translation. Shedding the 'Non-Literary' Tag
Reviewed by Remy Attig [HTML] [PDF]
PP 294-295
Isabel Lacruz and Riitta Jääskeläinen (eds)
Innovation and Expansion in Translation Process Research
Reviewed by Sarah Berthaud [HTML] [PDF]
PP 296-298
Gloria Corpas Pastor and Isabel Durán-Muñoz (eds)
Trends in E-Tools and Resources for Translators and Interpreters
Reviewed by Maggie Hui [HTML] [PDF]
PP 229-231
Dorothy Kenny (ed.)
Human Issues in Translation Technology
Reviewed by Daniel Segura Giménez [HTML] [PDF]
PP 232-234