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Table of Contents: Issue 35 - January 2021

Translation and Plurisemiotic Practices
Guest editors: Francis Mus and Sarah Neelsen


P 1
Francis Mus interviews Lucile Desblache on translation and music
Sarah Neelsen interviews Julie Chateauvert on a multimodal translation of Sign Language Poetry


Francis Mus
"Translation and plurisemiotic practices: A brief history
Traduction et pratiques plurisémiotiques. Un bref parcours historique"
[abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF]
PP 2-16
Sarah Neelsen
"What is a plurisemiotic work in translation?
Qu’est-ce qu’un objet plurisémiotique en traduction ?"
[abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF]
PP 17-44

Lucile Desblache
Live music and translation: The case of performances involving singing
[abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF]
PP 45-68
Nina Reviers, Hanne Roofthooft, Aline Remael
Translating multisemiotic texts: The case of audio introductions for the performing arts
[abstract] [about the authors] [HTML] [PDF]
PP 69-95
Yves Gambier, Saulė Juzelėnienė, Saulé Petroniené
Traduction et pratiques pluri-sémiotiques : exemples de peintures murals
[abstract] [about the authors] [HTML] [PDF]
PP 96-121
Kerstin Hausbei
Traduire le théâtre vers des genres non-verbaux du spectacle vivant : Nestroy comme mimodrame et ballet-pantomime
[abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF]
PP 122-143
Ayelet Kohn and Rachel Weissbrod
“Pravda” in the museum: Zoya Cherkassky’s exhibition as a case of cultural (self) translation
[abstract] [about the authors] [HTML] [PDF]
PP 144-165
Vanessa Montesi
Translating paintings into dance: Marie Chouinard’s The Garden of Earthly Delights and the challenges posed to a verbal-based concept of translation
[abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF]
PP 166-185
Thora Tenbrink and Kate Lawrence
“Omnibus”: A cross-modal experience between translation and adaptation
[abstract] [about the authors] [HTML] [PDF]
PP 186-208
Hao Lin
Translation or creation? A case study of signed Chinese poetry from the perspective of multimodality theory
[abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF]
PP 209-230

Angelone, Erik, Ehrensberger-Dow, Maureen and Massey, Gary (eds) (2020)
The Bloomsbury Companion to Language Industry Studies
Reviewed by Maarit Koponen
PP 231-232
Bowker, Lynne and Buitrago Ciro, Jairo (2019)
Machine Translation and Global Research: Towards Improved Machine Translation Literacy in the Scholarly Community
Reviewed by Matthieu LeBlanc
PP 233-234
Godev, Concepción B. (ed.) (2018)
Translation, Globalization and Translocation: The Classroom and Beyond
Reviewed by Renzhong Peng and Zheyao Chen
PP 235-237
Khoshsaligheh, Masood, Ameri, Saeed and Nowruzy, Abdullah (2018)
Audiovisual Translation: Concepts and Terms
Reviewed by Milad Mehdizadkhani
PP 238-240
O'Sullivan, Carol and Cornu, Jean-François (eds) (2019)
The Translation of Films, 1900-1950
Reviewed by Serenella Zanotti
PP 241-242
Ogea Pozo, María del Mar and Rodríguez Rodríguez, Francisco (eds) (2019)
Insights into audiovisual and comic translation. Changing perspectives on films, comics and videogames
Reviewed by Paula María León Alonso
PP 243-245
Youdale, Roy (2020)
Using Computers in the Translation of Literary Style: Challenges and Opportunities
Reviewed by Jan Buts
PP 246-247