Table of Contents: Issue 39 (January 2023)
Universalist, user-centred, and proactive approaches in media accessibilityGuest editors: Gian Maria Greco, Pablo Romero-Fresco |
| Pp 1-2 |
Gian Maria Greco, Pablo Romero-Fresco Universalist, user-centred, and proactive approaches in media accessibility: The way forward [about the authors] [HTML] [PDF] | PP 3-10 |
Louise Fryer Erasure or over-exposure? Finding the balance in describing diversity [abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF] | PP 11-25 |
Maija Hirvonen, Marika Hakola, Michael Klade Co-translation, consultancy and joint authorship: User-centred translation and editing in collaborative audio description [abstract] [about the authors] [HTML] [PDF] | PP 26-51 |
Sarah McDonagh Accessing Northern Ireland’s contested past: Creating descriptive guides of the Maze and Long Kesh prison video tours [abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF] | PP 52-76 |
Tiina Tuominen, Maarit Koponen, Kaisa Vitikainen, Umut Sulubacak, Jörg Tiedemann Exploring the gaps in linguistic accessibility of media: The potential of automated subtitling as a solution [abstract] [about the authors] [HTML] [PDF] | PP 77-98 |
Zoe Moores What does it take to integrate access at live events? A discussion of proactive approaches to access in this diverse setting [abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF] | PP 99–116 |
Marcela Tancredi, Leticia Lorier, Yanina Boria, Florencia Fascioli-Álvarez Deaf translators in audiovisual media: The case of an inclusive and co-creative laboratory in Uruguay [abstract] [about the authors] [HTML] [PDF] | PP 117–139 |
Pablo Romero-Fresco and William Brown Reconsidering the balance between standardisation and creativity in media accessibility: Notes on training [abstract] [about the authors] [HTML] [PDF] | PP 140–164 |
Kate Dangerfield An essay film: “Thinking with water” [video] [HTML transcript] [PDF transcript] | |
Kate Dangerfield Research statement [HTML] [PDF] | PP 165–173 |
William Brown A review of “An essay film: ‘Thinking with water’” [HTML] [PDF] | PP 174–176 |
Irene Hermosa-Ramírez Embracing community-based participatory research in Media Accessibility [video] [HTML transcript] [PDF transcript] | |
Irene Hermosa-Ramírez Research statement [HTML] [PDF] | PP 177–184 |
William Brown A review of “Embracing community-based participatory research in Media Accessibility” [HTML] [PDF] | PP 185–186 |
| |
Kate Sotejeff-Wilson Baer, Brian James (2021). Queer Theory and Translation Studies: Language, Politics, Desire. [HTML] [PDF] | PP 187–190 |
Olaia Andaluz-Pinedo, Lydia Hayes Fryer, Louise and Cavallo, Amelia (2022). Integrated Access in Live Performance. [HTML] [PDF] | PP 191–196 |
Sharon O’Brien Zanettin, Federico and Christopher Rundle (eds) (2022). The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Methodology. [HTML] [PDF] | PP 197–199 |
Sylvie Vandaele Susam-Saraeva, Şebnem and Eva Spišiakovà (eds) (2021). The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Health. [HTML] [PDF] | PP 200–204 |
Ricarda Vidal, Madeleine Campbell Taivalkoski-Shilov, Kristiina and Ponchanal, Bruno (eds) (2022). Traduire les voix de la nature / Translating the Voices of Nature. [HTML] [PDF] | PP 205–211 |