Parthena Charalampidou is a Laboratory Teaching Fellow of Localisation and Multimodal Translation at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, where she also teaches at the EMT Interpreting and Translation Postgraduate Programme. She is a Research Associate at the Laboratory of Translation and Natural Language Processing and the Media Semiotics Research Group of SemioLab, AUTH. Her research interests include semiotic, rhetorical and cultural approaches to translation as well as localisation of promotional digital genres and application of technology and corpora to translation.
ORCID : 0000-0002-5047-228X
Birgitta Meex is an Assistant Professor of German and of Professional & Technical Communication at KU Leuven and a member of the MIDI (Multimodality, Interaction and Discourse) research group. Her research interests include writing and reading processes in technical communication, technical communication pedagogy and discourse-analytical aspects of technical communication. She is an active member of tekom Belgium, one of the country organisations of the European Association for Technical Communication.
ORCID: 0000-0002-1944-5398